Export / Import
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]As the global economy continues to become accessible to all small business owners, many are considering turning their sights on importing and exporting products and services. VtSBDC has noticed this trend and has three certified advisors poised to provide this type of business advising. VtSBDC advisors help clients identify and develop potential export markets and develop or reorient marketing and production strategies for international markets, among other things. When appropriate, VtSBDC advisors assist small business owners seeking export financing. It may be easier to expand your market than you think. Even small businesses can get into importing and exporting with the help of mentors and modern technology. In fact, today, 97.7 percent of American companies that export are small businesses.
VtSBDC International Trade and Export Credentials:
Steve Densham: Certificate in Export and Trade Counseling: Intermediate level. Steve has also worked with companies in the ExporTech program for 6 consecutive years.
Sarah Kearns: Certificate in Export and Trade Counseling: Intermediate level.
Nancy Shuttleworth: Certificate in Export and Trade Counseling: Intermediate level.
Scott Holson: Certificate in Export and Trade Counseling: Intermediate level.
For initial inquiries about how VtSBDC can assist your small business with Exporting and International Trade, please contact Sarah Kearns, skearns@vtsbdc.org.